Advanced Search

Please enter the text to search for in each area. If multiple items are entered the system will search for records where all of the entered entries exist. i.e. If you enter Smith in name and 123 in address the system will search for where both Smith exists in the mail to name line 1 and line 2 AND 123 exists in address line 1 or line 2.

Search with spaces are a literal search. i.e. If you enter John Smith the name must contain the literal 'John Smith' anywhere in mail to line 1 and line 2.

You can enter multiple search items by separating items with a pipe symbol (|). ie. entering John|Smith in Name will search for John anywhere in mail to line 1 and line 2 AND Smith anywhere in mail to line 1 and line 2.

Advanced search will take longer to return results and only the first 250 matching records will be returned.

Only characters A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, space and | are allowed for input.

Parcel Numbers:
Parcel Type:
Amount Due:

Entering an Amount will search for parcels where the base amount due without penalties and interest are an exact match.
Only Search Tax Year:
Only Unpaid: